Exosphere, The First Meetup


Jiran who is the top information security group in Korea has announced to challenge the cloud-based information security business in global. The protagonist of this challenge is the new family of Jiran, Exosphere Labs providing B2B SECaaS. Exosphere Labs is the subsidiary of Exosphere Inc. Jiran family in USA.


29th August 2019, Exosphere Labs had the first meetup at Sparkplus in Samsung.



Chi Young Oh, the founder of Jiran and CDO (Chief of Dream Officer) share about his thoughts and ambitions on making inroads into the global market. He has reminded the success of Jiran Japan from complete localization work to annual 100 billion won sales and shared about the vision of the SMB Endpoint Security which Exosphere Labs will be making in US market by global localization.



After that, Adi Ruppin CEO of Exosphere Inc. in USA and Sakiyama Hidefumi CEO OF JSecurity in Japan have shared about the endpoint security market and approaching strategy of each region.



Sangho Park CEO of Exosphere Labs has raised concerns about SMBs not investing in other security solution except anti-virus and point out that many SMBs have experienced the cyber security accident.


Exosphere combines anti-ransomware, web protection, data loss prevention, anti-virus, PC healthcheck, backup and restore as a single solution to make SMBs to use endpoint security service easy with reasonable price. That means you can use a security solution as a service like subscribing on application.


And he has pointed that having multiple solutions occurs PC performance degradation and have high possibility of error by each program crashes. However, Exosphere can solve this problem at once completely. And explained Exosphere is perfectly suitable for SMBs and corporates who have multiple organizations spread in global.



Jiran is buckled down to make inroads into markets by securing strategic foothold in USA. The Global Top Information Security Company it the dream of Jiran. Jiran family will be successful, for sure!

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